Taking elements from both Age of Empires and Bitcoin, Ertha’s universe is an intricate game world where players forge alliances with other players from across the globe to form new governments and economies.
In a worryingly plausible scenario, the realistic gameplay is set in 2066 when global warming sees humanity on the brink of extinction but scientists have created a last hope – a الميتافيرس where players are linked together to “utilise land in a more sustainable way” and give them a turn to make the decisions.
After “our actual world has gone apart due to government and companies making erroneous and late choices,” the game states players will have a shot at “healing the earth,” trading and feeding everyone sustainably after “our real world has come apart due to Resident Evil.”
It is estimated that there are 350 thousand “HEX” plots of land, each of which symbolises a piece of land in the actual world and collects taxes, fees, and other types of money from.